Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Meow Meow Meow

In Squeaky, the way lyrics are written can be a little strange. Generally, the song is already written and arranged, musically speaking, and the lyrics are the last thing to get finalized. If I am in charge of singing/lyrics, I generally settle on a melody and a syllabic pattern and write the lyrics on my own time (sometimes scribbled in The Book while we're getting ready to play). But at practice, it's generally just nonsense words so that I can memorize how the patterns work. Who cares, right? Well, I was driving to work this morning, reviewing the recording from last night's practice (too much of my guitar, as usual), and during the newly named "Pony Show" (named by Danny, probably will be about what it's like to be judged on the basis of looks), I was heard to say:

Everyone's staring
Why don't they go away

You piece of shit
Suck my Meow Meow Meow

Not sure what that means, but I'm proud.
Off to grow my beard,


Squeakysteven said...

Usually I hope that some lyrics Harry comes up with at the spur of the moment make to the final product, but in this case i'm not so sure.
I do hope that Karl says Durka Durka somewhere in the song because it's funny.

Squeakysteven said...

Licence and registration, Chicken Fucker!