Monday, November 20, 2006

Noise Noise Noise

A good time was had by all Saturday night, and really the evening's winner was Hospitals on the Moon, who not only pulled off a great set but brought half the crowd with them. We really appreciate their enthusiasm and the their brand of rock. Miles is going to be Gainesville's newest guitar hero, mark my words.
Crush Your Cupcake did just what we hoped, they brought the noise and they brought the cupcakes. Best moment of their set? It was a tie, between a) seeing Terry's pink panties and b) seeing the mannequin (Brent) get nailed in the face with a cupcake. Vonne's slippers were ruling as well.
If you were at the show, thank you. If you weren't, we understand. Times are tough.
I feel like we haven't settled a few issues. Just how much does CCR suck? What is the status of the Boston vs. Styx battle? Did anyone take pictures of the show?
Next on the Squeaky agenda is some recording, early next year. maybe a show at 1982. Some tofurkey is in the future as well. Happy thanksgiving and thanks for rocking.


KarlO said...

I will be consuming as many dead animals as I can fit in my mouth for thanksgiving. One bird and one pig should suffice. No cows or sheep. A duck would be nice though.

Squeakysteven said...

Hey Karlo,
There is a dead Armadillo in the road outside my house, you could eat that as well.
I on the other hand will be stuffing my face with the best Vegan food this side of the mississippi.