Friday, December 15, 2006

What We Learned at Practice Last Night

1. We still sound really bad when Karl doesn't make it to practice. I was pretty sure last time it happened, but yes, indeed, it's true. We sound like shit when there's no low end and no Karl vocals.

2. After we decided that playing actual songs was sounding so bad that there was no point in continuing, we figured that we'd write some new jams. We came up with some stuff, finally settled on a couple of parts which reminded Steve of the Replacements, circa Tim. It was cool, until I started singing "Yes you wanna fuggit" over and over again during the riff. Which then caused me to suspect that it sounded a lot like a Foo Fighters song, as well as a Local H song. Then we realized all together that we actually were playing a Foo Fighters song.

What did we learn at practice? Beware of songs that are so easy to write that they remind you of another song.

3. When Steve brings a nice big tupperware package of cookies, out of the goodness of his heart, don't do what I did: eat like 6 of them (those fuckers were good!!!) and then (with your mouth full) ask, "Hey, were you guys saving these for anyone else?" That's just rude.

4. is not a porn site! In fact it doesn't appear to be anything! What is up with the pornographers in this world?!! Imagine naked fat dudes, lolling around being sexy... it's at least a comedy goldmine, if not a fat fetishist's wet dream. Enough of the same viagra spam every day, gimme spam any day.


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