Tuesday, February 27, 2007

It's that time again

That's right kids, it's time to record. We have been writing songs for the last year and now that we have 9 or so it's time to put them down on tape.(well,disc really)
What does that mean to you? nothing, but to us, it's time to horde up in a small room for a couple of days, eat bad food(mostly beans and other gas causing food items) drink some beer(for some of us) smoke lots (also for some of us) and try to play very precisely (which is difficult, for some of us)
It's the time when all of our anal tendencies will come out, and you will find us saying stuff like "yeah that vocal track was good, but it kinda sounded like you had a bunch of cheese in the back of your throat" It's the time when stuff like that matters, when your playing a show it's not neccessarily a bad thing to have a little cheese in the back of your throat, but when recording, it's no good.
Anyway all of that to say we are going to record in a few weeks and I for one am fucking excited about it!

We will keep you updated on how it is going,


1 comment:

Squeakyrock said...

I know there are only 2 people out there who read this, but this is the best venue in which to ask this. Of the following album titles, which is the best? Which is the worst?

Sorry about the guitars.
Chins of Distinction.
Clean Machine.
Our Noise.

If anyone responds to this, I'll eat my shorts.