Monday, July 27, 2009

Bye Bye

Well, our final show was really good. I mean it. I'm not being bitter, sarcastic, or any of that jazz. We played together, we let our love show, and those that were there were digging it, I do believe.
We played twenty songs, ended with Horsehead (as usual), and that was it.

I didn't cry, and I thought I would.

Steve did manage to shatter the headstock of his DanElectro guitar, something which he predicted would happen. As a side note, when Ned Davis attempted to board an airplane with the headstock (he swiped it from the show), the security people were instantly suspicious. It took quite some explaining (apparently, the security folks do not often attend rock shows in which guitars are destroyed), but Ned was able to board the plane, albeit without the guitar strings. I guess you could use guitar strings as a weapon. I know I do.

It should be mentioned that Ned is a lunatic, he flew down from Rochester, NY to see the show.
Anyway, the final Squeaky show is well documented; Jason Sadler filmed the show with three cameras, and he's posting songs on Facebook. Option8 took some amazing photos, you can see them on his flickr profile.
Cutman and Sam Snead Trio were awesome, and so are you.
Thanks for Rocking

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