Friday, March 18, 2011


Well, on July 19th 2009, Squeaky played our last show ever. At the time, we bade farewell to Danny as he moved to Memphis, and we saw no reason to continue without him.

Days later, we formed another band, Yemana, with the three remaining members of Squeaky and our good friend Mower Steve.

Weeks later, Danny was back in Gainesville (long story), and Yemana continued on, living in the post-Squeaky era.

After nearly two years and two shows, Yemana was yearning for a new way, and the idea came to ask Danny to play with us. He agreed. So, the obvious question became, "Who are we? Squeaky or Yemana?

We decided that we're Squeaky, so there you have it.

1 comment:

Harry M said...

you should have called the band Squemana.